Women+ digital health: Bridging the gap in female representation w/ Danika Kelly

Question: What do you do when you have a solution that helps unlock the largest possible target market in the country? 

If you answered, dig my heels in and keep going, you’d be right. But when that target market has been historically undervalued and overlooked, you might have your work cut out for you.

Hard work didn’t scare Danika Kelly. She saw value in women’s health where others saw nothing but complications. 

And then she rolled up her sleeves and got down to business. 

If you’ve been curious about fem tech, or just looking to push social innovation, drive business development, or simply be successful while doing some good in the world, we have you covered in this week’s episode!


Here are the show highlights:

  • Inclusion criteria and its effect on health tech (2:47)

  • Fem tech as a stepping stone in female health (4:07)

  • Social innovation and driving business development (7:13)

  • Being successful and doing “good” (8:26)

  • Target markets are fundamental to success (11:20)

  • The dichotomy and ethics of women’s issues (15:22)

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Guest Bio

Danika Kelly is the CEO and co-founder of My Normative. She is also a health and wellness professional and trained socio-cultural scholar in issues surrounding female health and representation. 

For the past 14 years, she’s worked globally focusing on health advancement and knowledge translation in developing economies. 

Her strong history of leadership excellence in the social innovation space has earned her awards and recognition from Telus and The Future of Good, FemTech Analytics, Alberta Women Entrepreneurs, and more.

If you want more information about Danika Kelly and her work, visit the  MyNormative.ca website or, you can find her on LinkedIn @Danika Kelly


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